Feeling Cold.

2 Dec 2017

I've felt physically cold for two days and now I'm snuggled down with two hot water bottles and a teddy. This has given me time to re visit the Moodscope site. It has been nice to check in and see the familiar names, as well as a lot of names I don't recognise.

I've had a long break from Moodscope. As a result I wittingly put myself 'out in the cold' and increased my feelings of loneliness. Starting a new job six weeks ago, after nearly 8 and a half years in my previous job, also increased my feelings of loneliness. I don't really feel I 'belong' anywhere anymore. However I'm finding my way back to supportive places, such as Moodscope, and warm, comforting things around me at home.

Do you ever feel 'out in the cold?' Where do you find your warmth? Maybe if you are feeling down, or cold, today you can look for things around you which will warm you up a little. Who knows, you may even feel warmth down to your toes, like mine nestled on my hot water bottle!

Jane SG

A Moodscope member.

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