Feeling depressed or depressed?

29 Mar 2018

There is a world of difference in feeling depressed and being depressed. It's something I was only able to recognise a good number of years in to accepting I had mental health which needed a harness.

The breakdown of my relationship was not helped by my partner not understanding the difference. Or rather, at the time, I did not know there was a difference and neither did he. I was ill and he did not understand or perhaps did not want to understand.

But there is a difference. I had, and still have, times of feeling depressed and I have times of being depressed. This will not be news to some. But to others, and it is particularly you I speak to today, I encourage you to spend a little time thinking about that difference.

Both can render you unable to want to do, think, feel, be. One can be manhandled, by ourselves if need be, and the other needs us to get brave and imaginative and accept more is needed to help us rise and conquer.

Think of it like a drunk. If you have a drunk friend you may be able to manhandle them home, into and out of that taxi, in through their front door and into bed on their side. If you had a couple of drunks, well I'd say you'd need some extra hands, eyes and ears.

Which are you today? Are you able to grasp the nettle or do you need more support? Either one is a great starting point.

Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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