Feeling down? Keep it simple

30 Jul 2021

I really hope this morning you are feeling bright with a good Moodscope score. If not, read on.

I want to take you back to mid February. It was cold, there was a little snow on the ground and my mental health poor. Five days earlier I had slipped and fallen on the canal towpath and fractured the fibula bone in my right leg. The crutches ensured I could not go outside and my mobility was very limited indoors. Crucially I could not take my daily walks which had greatly helped my mental health. Sleeping was uncomfortable. I was very low.

My wife was getting ready to go shopping and asked if I needed anything. As I knew spring was approaching I requested a few packets of seeds that I could sow later for summer colour in the garden. She returned with three packets one of which contained sweet pea seeds. I smiled. Many years ago I had grown a wonderful display of sweet peas but in recent years two further attempts had not been successful.

Skip forward to mid March. Weather improving I ventured tentatively to the greenhouse to do a few early gardening jobs. I opened the sweet pea packet and proceeded to sow the seeds in two compost filled large pots.

Imagine my delight when, about two weeks later, a few green shoots appeared. I watered and talked to them.

By the end of April I was transplanting the young plants around two obelisks in the garden and tying them loosely to the nearest metal support. Over the next few weeks they grew and with a bit of encouragement entwined themselves as they got higher and higher.

At the beginning of June I saw the first bud! Around four weeks later on a warm summers evening I cut a bunch of my own sweet peas, put them in a small glass vase with water, placed it on the kitchen windowsill, stood back and smiled again. The colours, delicate petals and fragrance made my senses come alive.

You may be wondering why I have told you this story. I realise if you have no interest in gardening or flowers it may have been tedious. Sometimes I feel we make mental health issues over-complicated. Very often the simple acts are more rewarding and should be encouraged… The pleasure I have gained from a simple packet of seeds is immeasurable. So my message today is find a simple pleasure and enjoy to the full, please.

I would love to hear about any of your simple pleasures.


A Moodscope member.

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