Feeling invisible

27 Oct 2023

When I was a teenager, my mum used to talk about feeling invisible as a woman in her late 50s.

She went to a craft workshop run by a man and she said he paid attention to all the young women and not to anyone over 40. I never really understood what she meant. Now I am older I find I get ignored sometimes in shops. I don’t always think it is an age issue.

Years ago, when I was working with children with special needs, I would tell another teacher an idea for an excursion and she would say what a silly idea and then later at a meeting she would present the idea as her own and take the credit. I felt ignored.

Sometimes in families children can feel invisible. A friend felt ignored as she was the youngest, a cousin felt invisible as he was the oldest by few years then there were two sets of twins.

I am wondering Moodscopers have you ever felt invisible, overlooked, ignored. How did you feel? Do you know why you were made to feel that way? Did you ever say anything?

Maybe invisible is not the word you word use, so please share another word you feel works better for you.


A Moodscope member

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