Feeling unsure about turning up

11 Jul 2024

Last night after an emotional and physical two weeks, I fell asleep between 5.30pm and 6.30pm, which is exceedingly rare indeed for me.

I felt so confused when I woke up and worried about a training course I needed to attend the next day where I had to prepare a lesson.

I had done this before but all l of a sudden I had no skills and was full of self-doubt. It was an awful feeling. I felt I would let people down who believed in me. I thought if I slept, I would feel better in the morning.

I did for a bit, but the thought of not attending the course scared me more than going and crying or embarrassing myself.

I made myself go and once there prepared my lesson and received positive feedback. I was glad I believed in the voice that knew I would be ok.

I just wanted to share this as there have been times I have not turned up for things.

I wonder whether Moodscopers could share their feelings of self-doubt and not wanting to turn up for a job, study, a talk, or anything that one has agreed to attend.

That intense feeling is not easy to ignore but I am interested in what others do to keep going and turn up.

What makes you attend an appointment even when you don’t feel up to it?


A Moodscope member

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