Feng Shui and Autumn.

5 Nov 2017

Hi fellow Moodscopers, I have been a feng shui practitioner for about 25 years. Recently I wrote a post for my website about Autumn, which I find both beautiful and melancholy.

As many of you know, feng shui is about respecting a naturally occurring order to life: fire burns wood and turns it to ash, ash becomes earth, the soil of the earth produces metal, metal collects water in the form of condensation, water brings life to wood, and wood feeds fire.

This cycle can also be represented by the changing seasons: summer into fall, fall to winter, winter into spring, and back to summer again.

In the northern hemisphere we are experiencing autumn and it is a passing, like all seasons, from one creative phase to another. Because this beautiful season never seems to last very long it should be appreciated for all its remarkable change.

I always feel a charge when autumn approaches, as do most people. There is a coolness to the air, the leaves are falling, the days shorter, and the sights and smells of an imagined harvest seem to propagate from every house I walk past: orange and white pumpkins commingling with multicolored potted chrysanthemums on front steps, wreaths of berries and gherkins adorn front doors, piles of red and brown leaves smelling like wet earth sit in great piles along curbs waiting for removal.

We invariably prepare for winter like all animals, and within that comes another important aspect of autumn: accepting change and letting go of things no longer needed. With each leaf raking, each removal of dead flowers we are preparing to enter a quiet time for appreciation and anticipation. Fall is an excellent time to declutter and let go of things that we no longer need so that we have room to accept new opportunities, new people, new jobs, wealth, etc into our lives. I have always loved the Native American saying "Be thankful for unknown blessings already on their way," because to me it encapsulates the essence of fall and letting go.

Regardless if your summer was one filled with joy or with sadness, fall is an opportunity to reflect, appreciate, release and prepare for blessings already on their way.


A Moodscope user.

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