Find a safe place

29 Mar 2024

What does a safe place mean for you? Is it people who make you feel safe? Or a particular place perhaps?

If you have trouble feeling safe what do you need to make you feel safe?

Moodscope can be a place where you can be yourself and be supported. If you are having a low day people will be there to listen and understand. 

Many of us have that anxious feeling running through our bodies. That feeling comes in feelings ranging from intense bells loudly ringing, to fear in the back of our thoughts. When this happens, we can withdraw socially, rely on substances or get caught up in drama to escape this feeling.

We walk through life fearful of looking at what causes this worry. In reality, some of us don’t feel safe much of the time and that lack of safety can be the worry for the fear that goes through us. I like to think of a place that makes me feel comfortable where I can feel free to be myself and not worry what others think of me.

So where do you feel most comfortable or safe? It is it some place or somewhere in the past where you felt comfortable?

What makes you feel uncomfortable? I find loud voices and a large group where everyone is talking and not  listening very uncomfortable. Sometimes I have hidden in the bathroom to escape large noisy groups.

Let me know what makes you feel safe and comfortable. 


A Moodscope member 

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