Finding time

28 Nov 2023

Western Australia

Well, dear Moodscopers, at the time of writing you find me here on holiday in Western Australia. My Moodscope email arrives at about 13.00 down here. 

You would think that I have plenty of leisure time to read, digest and comment, but I find it really hard to do so. Partly it feels a waste of time to be tethered to my E device, instead of making the most of my new surroundings and it takes me so long to read all the comments. I love to hear about the lives of regular contributors and take an interest in the latest from the Gardener. 😊 It was she who planted an iris garden in memory of my late daughter and for other Moodscope members who have been bereaved, particularly of those who left us too soon.

However, I don’t know if I am particularly slow, but I am inclined to get so absorbed in the reading that I lose track track of time 🕰️- when there are other things that I could or should be doing.

Please tell me how you keep up with, maybe doing the test, putting an annotation on the graph, reading the whole blog and then checking out the comments, as well as continuing with your daily activities. My dog has a special ‘Oh when is she going to take me out?’ resigned look on his face when I’m on my device.📱 😤 he sighs.

The photo above is of Cable Beach at sunset. The very grey clouds are sadly smoke from bush fires, it creates an interesting colour scheme, but you cannot see the sun ☀️ disappear below the horizon, as it is obscured by the smoky clouds. ☁️ 

Up here I am astounded by how blue the sea is and how red the earth. It is quite hot and the cyclone weather will be here soon - but we haven’t seen any rain.  

A bit of a ramble, can’t seem to keep focus, but hey ho, I’m on holiday - sorry to rub it in.

Feeling chilled.


Another Sally xx 

A Moodscope member

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