First impressions

16 Jul 2020

When I meet someone for the first time I either instantly like them or dislike them. Sometimes I realise I got it wrong and change my mind.

Recently I met this woman and within then minutes we exchanged phone numbers and I was planning to help her with her business venture. However a week later, I found after talking to her, she was very different and I have not contacted her again.

Years ago, I met a woman at playgroup, and we argued and did not like each other. Months later we chatted then formed a book club together and nearly 40 years later are still friends.

First impressions can be right but can be wrong. If I am depressed I tend to dislike people, or they annoy me for no reason. When I was high everyone was my best friend and I would agree to be involved in their lives.

So, do you find you can rely on your first impressions or do you find like me first impressions can be wrong?

Do you feel that your moods affect your first impressions?


A Moodscope member.

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