Food for thought

16 Sep 2024

I have always had a problem with my stomach, ie feeling sickly, indigestion etc. Some say it’s a nervous stomach. After a recent bad episode I had an endoscopy which revealed gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining.)

I have been tested for celiac but don’t have the results back yet, I was advised to try cutting out gluten to see if any of the symptoms ease. Also taking Lansoprazole which reduces stomach acid. As most of you are aware there is a huge link between the stomach and the brain, we are told the feel good hormones are made in the gut. 

I am 3 weeks into the gluten free diet which is not easy as gluten is in practical everything that is nice 😩. Gluten free food also comes with a hefty price tag. 

I must admit I have felt much better recently even scoring 87% on the Moodscope test, the highest in my 13 years on Moodscope. 

This is no way conclusive yet but wondering if any others on here have tried gluten free. 

Apparently as we get older gluten is harder on the stomach. 


A Moodscope member

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