Foot Soldiers

7 Jul 2024

Something rather dramatic has happened in the UK last week.  We don’t talk about politics on this blog but we may learn from what is unfolding.  A certain party is credited with doing particularly well because they had ‘foot soldiers’.  This is not a phrase I would use as a metaphor so let’s have a look at the online dictionary: “a person who carries out important work but does not have a role of authority in an organisation or field.”  Ah, and there was I thinking it was a particularly enthusiastic chiropodist.

The foot soldiers were said to know every road, avenue, and lane in their neighbourhoods – something I’d call a grassroots movement.  The point is that they ‘knew’ their neighbours as well as their neighbourhoods and this led to a sense of connection and credibility.

Members of Moodscope necessarily join as individuals, and here discover a sense of connection and community.  I was wondering what we could do to strengthen (if we want to) our identity as foot soldiers for the message of hope that Moodscope brings.  

How did you discover Moodscope?  Did you stumble across Moodscope from a web-search?  Or, like me, was Moodscope brought to your attention by a friend or casual connection?  A personal introduction is a powerful way to bring other people into our circle of wellbeing.

I’m not going to ask you to start inviting people to join us, but if you wanted to share the message of Moodscope with others, what would make that easy or easier for you?


A Moodscope member

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

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