For times of need.

21 Dec 2017

Clearly more of an earth warrior than I credit myself for, I am recycling a blog. Yikes! Cheating! No? Yes.

In this season I have one time when I can listen to Christmas music. It's at the very start when my children pull out the CDs and for a while we take therapy in belting out each and every last Christmas song from Wham to Sinatra.

From that point, on all of the other days, sometimes just on repeated repeat, I play this. Over and over and over and over. I carry it from house to car, from car to house. I have it on my phone, I have it on CD, I am seeking out vinyl. Sometimes I just concentrate on their faces.

It gets me through absolutely everything. I share it again with you. May it help:

Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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