Four little words.

4 Mar 2018

"Just you ignore them"

"We see it all"

"It's how it is"

These phrases have been given to me over the years by my granny, my mum and my dad. It dawned on me lately that far from being 'just' words, they are in fact so much more. They are laden with resilience, strength, humour, acceptance and allowance. Such power in just four words each!

I could talk on about what and why and how but I think I'm going to leave these words with you and let you decide whether they have a place with you and what tone you place with each one. And in a good old fashioned trade, if you have a short phrase, given to you by someone great, I'd love to hear it. I'll keep you a chair on the blogspot.

Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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