Framing FOR Complaining.

6 Aug 2017

Do you find it easier to whinge than to find and suggest a solution?

Perhaps it's time to find a better way?

Frame to Complain!

Mother Teresa was committed to 'For' rather than 'Against'. She was allegedly asked once to join a protest march, raising awareness of a specific conflict. Surprisingly, she declined. When asked why she said that she would join the protestors when they marched for peace, but not when they were marching against war. Whether this ever happened or not, it's the perfect illustration.

The outcome is arguably the same: against war for peace, or for peace (and thus, by default, against war!) The frame, however, is completely different - as is the state of mind that then drives the supporting behaviour.

I've recently had a protracted experience with a rather famous Telecoms company. And, any experience is a gift to a writer!

Over the many weeks this has taken to resolve, I have encountered many excellent staff members from the Telecom's giant. Individuals who (mainly) sincerely sought to represent the much larger entity in a way they could be proud of.

Whilst I am sure they have been trained, at a senior level, to deliver excellence in service, I also am going to fairly and squarely claim that I played my part! Why? Well, because I wasn't interested in conflict, or in getting my pound of flesh. I was for a solution - so much so that I challenged several of the staff members when they consistently used the label of a 'complaint'. When we ring up to 'complain' - it's not surprising people get defensive, is it?

Was I complaining? You bet! Did I want my grievance wrapped in the language of complaint? No way! I wanted the Telecom company to live up to my positive expectations - and they got there in the end.

In Life you and I are going to have a lot of disappointments. In business, stuff is going to go wrong. Learning to address these issues in the positive frame of what you are 'for' rather than what you are against, really helps develop a solutions focus.

Oh, and you'll feel better too!


A Moodscope member.

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