From thinker to doer.

28 Dec 2017

I haven't been working now for 6 months. I was worried that a period of not working would bring on an episode as it did in the past, but it hasn't - thank goodness.

Many things have helped - but one of the things that has kept me well has been my transition from being a 'thinker' to a 'doer'. I've (almost) always ruminated and over thought and I'm sure that has added insult to injury. I knew I was going to be made redundant so while going through that stressful period, I made plans. I was going to look for work, do a work related online course, and decorate so that if the worst came to the worst, I can rent out my spare room to cover the mortgage.

As yet, I've not finished decorating but have made a number of different things (knitted 2 jumpers, set up two websites!) and have finished the online course. Work is still not forthcoming but I will keep on keeping on.

Work has always provided me with cash to live but more importantly perhaps is a routine which simply disappears when you stop. I'm making my own routine and it's working.

Despite the money worries and insecurity, I'm well - and that's what matters.

When life doesn't go to plan, how do you react? Is it having a detrimental effect on your condition?

The wee one

A Moodscope member.

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