Fuzzies and Fizzies.

29 Aug 2013

Some folks talk about giving others 'warm fuzzies' – that lovely, warm, fuzzy feeling you get from something good happening. Often this can be triggered by a smile from a stranger or a friend or even someone you secretly admire!

You can, however, generate your own warm fuzzies too. The way we feel (our degree of warm fuzziness, if you like, or 'Fuzz Factor') is dependent on what popular speakers call 'Fizzies' – a reference to 'Physiology'. Your physiology (body posture, movement, gestures, breathing) is clearly hard-wired into your nervous system...and your nervous system 'knows' what each aspect of physiology 'means'. You can't help yourself – when you feel good, your body does the 'this-is-the-position-I-take-when-I-feel-good' thing!

One of the gifts of consciousness is being able to choose the position you take. When you 'feel' down, your body will reflect this. If you would like to change this there are three 'f' sounding things you can do that your moods will not be able to resist:

1. Change your physiology – your posture, stature, movements, gestures, breathing.

2. Change who's on the phone – the voices you're listening to in your head. If they are negative, the least you can do is interrupt them! Your inner-dialogue with yourself is as powerful a mood changer as changing your posture.

3. Change your Focus – where your visual attention is. If things are looking grim, look somewhere else! We all do this at the dentist, surely? Rather than look at that hardware coming towards your mouth, you focus on something lovely around the room...like the dentist, of course!

The thing I love about this three-fold approach is that you don't have to try to be positive or upbeat. Just moving as if you were energised, switching the sounds in your head (perhaps by remembering a favourite song – even better if you hum it out loud), and looking at something else confuses any bad mood you were in! All change!

What's your 'Fuzz Factor' today?

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