Gerald Wears Tights.

10 Jan 2015

Good morning, good day, good evening to you all. Can you feel your breath coming in and flowing out again? Try it. In through the nose... out through the mouth... . If you are having a moment or a rough day thus far, then repeat that last bit a few times and see if it can't give you some solace and a new starting line. Can your feet move you in some way in some direction? Even a bum-shuffle will do if feet are impossible. One day, on some heaven-sent, warm-ish, deserted island (where we will be having our Moodscope R&R) we will make merry acquaintance and Di will teach us all to dance and then the fun will begin for all of us!

Is anyone familiar with the book Giraffe's Can't Dance? It is a children's book. My favourite times (that I will ask for on repeat when I car-crash or bum-shuffle in through the pearly gates) have always been story times. I have thought of binding my children (the way the Chinese did with their feet) to stop them growing up, thus preserving story time forever. But I'd probably be arrested and, whilst fun to chalk that one up, it possibly wouldn't be my finest hour.

I frequently find the best nuggets of wisdom come from children's books. Giraffe's Can't Dance is the story of one animal who believes dancing is something he is incapable of and therefore feels he has no place in the jungle celebrations. And then Gerald finds his place. It's a glorious message of hope really...we each have a place, a contribution, a reason. For us who feel that only tenuously, it is maybe a book you should buy in its smallest size and keep it close, in that breast pocket, and consult it every time there is doubt. Emerge from the jungle, toilet cubicle or telephone box a new, epic you with a cape and wearing pants over tights!

For we each have a place.

We each contribute.

We are the reason.

This forest would be silent if you, my jungle friends, were not there.

Lets try to dance without inhibition.

Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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