Getting back to reality

Self care
8 Jul 2023

Sometimes we can learn from our experiences whether good or bad. Often we learn without making a conscious effort. Also we can realise that a learning moment has happened. This happened to me a while ago on 4th April.

It was the day for this seasons first meeting of our local crown green bowling club. I had been looking forward to this day for several weeks and expected to feel excited. I awoke at my normal time, around 8am, and was soon outside breathing in the cool morning air. I felt in a low mood and a little anxious. I didn’t know why (do we ever?) and there were no unusual external factors at play.

It occurred to me that the feelings I was experiencing were a milder version of those I had suffered about three years ago, shortly after my mental breakdown. On that occasion I was in a state of extreme anxiety and made a desperate telephone call to one of my nurse MH advisors. She advised me to do two things straightaway. Firstly take a long walk around the garden and then have a good shower. I followed this advice and it worked! I became calmer and more rational.

I now realise that what she suggested got my mental state back nearer reality. This thought first occurred to me on 4th April after I had started the day. Every time I did something I reassured myself I was getting back to reality.   

Often, when we are suffering with our MH, we feel trapped in a world of our own. We are aware of this ‘other world’ in which most other people exist but we are unable to access it. This breeds anxiety. 

I remember a time probably about two years ago when I saw people enjoying themselves but I was confused as to why I could not join them. 

I have done a bit of reading on this subject and find it can also be called ‘dissociative identity disorder’. 

If the condition is serious then therapy is recommended. For milder episodes these are a few of the ideas I have come across:

- Do something dramatic like splashing face with very cold water.

- Engage in exercise, for example walking. 

- Speak to a friendly person.

- Listen to a favourite piece of music.

Talking about reality can feel abstract and complicated. I have based this Post on my personal experience and that is probably different to yours.

If you wish to comment please feel free but I totally understand if you are not interested in this subject or you feel it has no bearing on your MH.


A Moodscope member 

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