Getting out of bed

12 Mar 2022

It happens every day, 7 times each week and over 360 times each year. Yes, you get out of bed.

Usually we make ourselves warm and comfortable in bed and sometimes are reluctant to leave our “nest”. What motivates us to leave? You may have family responsibilities, a job to go to or other important commitments. It may be more of a challenge if we have no particular motive for starting our day; made more difficult if we have mental health problems.

Very often I am a slow starter. During the first few minutes after rising I can feel:

- Disconnected from reality. I am awake but not functioning properly

- Anxious for no apparent reason ( Particularly if I have had unsettling dreams)

- Sluggish with low mood.

But I know all these negative feelings will pass eventually. I find the best ‘treatment’ is to engage in simple tasks. For example: laying the table for breakfast or getting morning meds ready for consumption. This gives my brain time to acclimatise to the new day.

When the weather is fine I have a strict routine enabling me to leave the house in about 15 minutes and take an early morning walk. I find this enjoyable as an escape from the house, gentle exercise, a relaxing time to take in the sights and sounds of the outside world, and it also provides an opportunity to meet other people.

And of course you can always log in to Moodscope! Sometimes I will visit the Moodscope blog shortly after rising. I read the daily Post and let it run round my mind for a while before writing any comments. During this contemplative period I can actually do other mundane tasks e.g. preparing breakfast. Simply reading the Post and commenting on it can change my mood considerably.

Other ideas?

- Write a short to do list

- Get hydrated with water

- Eat a nutritious breakfast.

What thoughts do you have when you awake?

What are your first actions to start the day?


A Moodscope member.

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