Getting to Know You

17 Feb 2023

Moodscope is more than tests, it is getting to know the Moodscopers, whether they never comment or comment once or comment frequently.

I look at all the names and wonder who these people are and I would like to get to know more about them.

I would like to encourage people who have never replied to say hi and if you feel like it. Please tell me one thing about yourself, tell me one thing you like about yourself.

One thing about myself, mosquitoes love biting me, it does not matter if I have expensive anti mosquito technology or natural strategies, I am bitten while no one else is. (I assume other countries have mossies as we call them!!)

One thing I like about myself is that I can sometimes see the lighter side of  situations. I once went to a party dressed as kangaroo and knocked on the wrong door. The surprised occupants did not think it was funny and wanted to ring the police!! I thought it was ridiculous and once they calmed down I explained that I had the wrong house.

So over to you. If you are up to telling us something about you and one thing you like about yourself, that’s great but if not that’s fine too.


A Moodscope member

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