Give me time, patience and understanding…

29 Dec 2023

Many years ago, there was a person at my local speakers club who had recently had a stroke. He had been a top medical professional but now he was learning to speak again. He said one of difficulties he had was when he tried to say a word, but was having trouble, people would jump in and finish the word. He wanted to be given time and space to speak the word himself.

When I sometimes forget a word or can’t think of the word, I don’t want family and friends to jump in. All I want is time, patience and understanding. With time I can think of the word and with patience and understanding I gain confidence. I am fortunate this does not happen often but I do feel a bit foolish at times.

I was wondering what do you need in your life from others but you are not getting?

It could be in any area of your life and maybe something small or something big, sometimes we don’t ask for what we need we feel others may not understand.

When my dad had been out all he day he needed to sit down and chat about his day. When my mum had spent a day with her children, she just wanted to sit down with my dad and have drink.

So, I look forward to reading what you need in your life.


A Moodscope member

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