Give Thanks

25 Sep 2023

It’s been a funny old week. Weather extremes showing the capricious nature of temperate climates. Do you love the wind and rain, too? Nature seems so alive in the face of a storm… and then the peace and cleansing quiet that follows. Autumn is here in the Northern Hemisphere! 

Many friends – far too many friends - are declining in health and vitality before my eyes. I feel for them and sense the storms ahead for all of us. Thus, today, I choose to be grateful for what I still have. I wonder if you’d join me in making ‘sense’ of gratitude? By this I mean thinking of one thing you are grateful for that you can see; one that you can hear; one that you can touch; one that you can smell; one you can taste…

Red berries on the trees I can see and sense the fruitfulness of the season. In fact, if I may be greedy, the trip to work on Thursday yielded a heron, mists, and rainbows for my eyes to feast upon!

I’m grateful for the ridiculously enthusiastic chatter of the birds – their gossip - in our garden each morning. They sound so happy – and maybe they are grateful too.

Touch is a sensation I love. We held hands on the leadership programme, and it was such an eloquent channel of communication to say, “We accept one another; we connect with one another.”

Scent has to be rosemary for me at the moment. Rosemary on potatoes.

And taste would be the delicious free range eggs from ‘Fluffetts’ – you can almost taste the sunshine in their deep orange yokes.

I hope you have much to be thankful for today, and throughout this week.


A Moodscope member

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