Gliding Towards Retirement

5 Sep 2020

Currently it feels like

I am slipping and sliding

all over the place.

I have lost my foothold.

I wonder why this is the case?

Is it because of several abortive

attempts at connecting

to the staff portal

to check that my details

are in order.

Seems to me like

a pointless exercise

as shortly I will

no longer be part

of the institution.

It reminds me of a

census or audits

where institutions

use the results

as the way to curtail or curb

its staff.

We are not pawns

but sometimes I feel

as though I am.

This institution appears

to care about its corporate image

rather than individual members of staff.

Many are helpful and patient

with each other

this I experienced with

a member of Human Resources.

I am now on the staff portal

can log onto my details

better understanding how it works

have checked all my details are

accurate and updated.

There is life beyond

paid employment.

I have fulfilled my role.

retirement is not

the same as unemployment.

Life goes on

there will be other challenges

other hoops to jump through

like a circus acrobat.

Focusing on living

a day at a time

will ensure a smoother sailing

towards retirement.


A Moodscope member,

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