Go Where You Are Looking

20 Oct 2019

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"Look where you're going!" may have been something you've heard time and time again throughout life, but my friend Tim used to go where he was looking! When he first passed his driving test, travelling out with him was an adventure not fit for the faint-hearted. He had an uncanny tendency to point the car in the direction he was looking.

In the daytime, this meant veering towards ditches at the side of the road... but at night, it meant heading straight towards the oncoming headlights! Of course, he corrected his trajectory each time well before tragedy hit, but it was a thrilling ride for his passengers!

Scent may be the most powerful sense for memory but when it comes to neurological real estate, the brain is committed to vision! How you feel, what you believe ('seeing is believing'?), the decisions you make, the actions you take – and thus the results you get – are all heavily influenced by what you see. And when I say, "...by what you see," I mean with your physical vision and with the vision of your imagination – the mind's eye.

It looks like our direction in life comes down (often) to the fact that we go where we are looking. Sadness is often described as, "looking down." When our circumstances change for the better, we say, "Things are looking up!" Let's lift our eyes to brighter times ahead.

So how can we stack the odds of a better future in our favour?

Three ways...

1) The Writing's on the Wall

Supermarkets place their products in a deliberate position to capture our attention, how much better to buy into a brighter vision of our future by choosing to place our dreams and visions at eye-level? Have a vision wall and put on it pictures of places you'd like go, people you'd like to strengthen your relationships with, and even things you'd like to own.

2) Dream Saver – Screen Saver

I use my computer's random screen saver to remind me of what I dream of. It's a brilliant way to give my heart an uplifting nudge in the right direction. I have quotations and images to inspire me.

3) Write the vision down

When you get really serious about this, the gurus (Dan Sullivan and Brian Tracy) recommend you physically re-write what you desire each and every day! This re-loads your positive intentions into your working memory ready to spot opportunities in the day ahead.

All these three keep what we would prefer to experience in life, "in sight, in mind," rather than, "out of sight, out of mind."

Where there is no vision we can go astray – we can wander and drift aimlessly. Instead, let's work with our brain to build a better future. Perhaps then, we can live the life we have imagined and go where we are looking.


A Moodscope member.

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