Goals – important for you or not necessary?

23 May 2024

I know people who, from a very young age, knew what they wanted to do in life, where they wanted live, whether they wanted to be single or have a partner etc.

I have read that is important for everyone to have goals and aim for them and to know where they are going.

Some say that people with mental health issues need to have goals to help them be healthy.

I have never really seen the value of goals.

Before I was diagnosed with bipolar at 16, I was thinking I would like to have an academic career but that idea was never going to happen with my extreme moods.

After that having goals for me seemed very fanciful and not realistic as I tried to manage my life day to day.

Things happen to me and then I deal with them.

I would like to know what Moodscopers feel about goals and the role they have played in your life.

I would like personal stories.

I learn from others experiences.

Are you someone who has always had goals and achieved them or did something happen to make you set goals?

Or do you prefer to be realistic about the future that does not involve goals?


A Moodscope member

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