Good Thinking part 1 “What’s Working?”

17 Oct 2022

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

So says William Shakespeare via the lips of Hamlet.  (Act II, Scene 2.

Whether you believe this absolutely or partially, it begs the question, “What’s good thinking?”  Or, “What’s the kind of thinking that makes us see each experience as good?”

One pattern of thought that’s really helped me recently is a tweak on the gratitude-attitude that we so often speak of in our blogs and comments. Specifically, it is asking myself, “What’s working?”

When Life is tough, it can feel like nothing’s working. But this is rarely, if ever, the truth. I’ve got a few issues at the moment that I can’t think how to fix – they are ‘not working’ but they are a tiny part of a massive portion of my life that is working. Thus, I ask you directly, what’s working in your Life at the moment?

The answers to this question may surprise you in the little things that come to mind, almost in the same breath as the big things. As far as big things go, Penny and I really enjoy one another’s company, and the little kindnesses we find to do for one another and say to one another. There are so many tokens of thoughtfulness that say, “You matter to me.” 

She is very good at reminding me (when I feel overwhelmed) that, “Remember, I love you.”  Those four words (and their many loving and creative variants) are a foundation for a Life that can weather many storms.

But what of the small matters that are working – a list I’ve shared here many times. It would be therapeutic for you to mirror this pattern of thinking for yourself. What small things are working well in your life? Immediately springing to mind is the first new bloom of a magnificent orchid we have. I think of the perfect blend of coffee we’ve found and settled upon as ‘our brand’.  There’s the shower in our well-lit bathroom. The goats’ milk soap that is ’my favourite’. I know what wine works for me. I love my ‘commute’ to work – such a beautiful journey. The autumn leaves changing day to day. My friends who thrive at our coffee morning each Friday. My radio show and the station manager who makes working there such a pleasure. Finding, “Now and Then,” by the Carpenters in a charity shop (5 CDs for a £1!) The list goes on and on making me smile.

I wonder if you would do me a favour today and pause for thought. Ask your wonderful mind, “What’s working for us at the moment?” and then sit back and enjoy the answers…

This is good thinking


A Moodscope member.

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