Once as a small child I watched the musical South Pacific on TV. I remember very little, if any, of the storyline, but what stuck with me was the music. I've said before that music is something which really connects me to my feelings and emotions and not always for the good. That time it was a positive and really enjoyable experience. I loved the song Happy Talk and the melody and cadence of the music still make me smile to this day.
I recently added it to my 'Happiness tracks' and I listened carefully to the song driving to work one morning last week. How true for me those lyrics are, I suddenly thought.
'Talk about things you'd like to do'. If you talk about the things you'd like to do research has shown that you are much more likely to do them. Maybe it's just the verbal commitment or maybe we're all too scared to go back on our word, but we feel we can't back out once we've shared an idea with others. Whatever it is you want to do; wherever you want your life to take you, share that idea or thought or plan with someone; anyone who will listen; and it might just be a help in achieving your goal.
'You gotta have a dream - if you don't have a dream - how you gonna have a dream come true?'
So start right now. Share your dream; talk, talk, talk, about it to anyone and everyone who will listen. Keep happy by planning your dream: writing about it, photographing it, pinning it, tasting it, visiting it. Whatever 'it' is, talk happy about it until your dream comes true.
Happy Talking...and just for the record I 'm going to learn how to keep bees.
Share your dreams...
A Moodscope member.
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