
24 Mar 2025

20th March was International Day of Happiness.  To mark the occasion, the BBC published an article titled, “Finland names as happiest country for eight year.”  Gold, Silver, and Bronze positions also went to chilly climates:

1.     Finland

2.     Denmark

3.     Iceland

with Sweden in 4th position.

Clearly, it’s not all about sunlight (although that does play a part with more artic locations enjoying midsummer parties that go through the night!)  The happiness ratings, which is an average of scores over a three-year period, are based on a best possible life getting the coveted full score of 10.

We want to know why, don’t we?

For Finland, the experts say access to Nature, and an excellent welfare system are strong influences. Nearly 90% of the Finnish population have a weekly session in the sauna which is supposed to help too!

What have the winners got in common that we could benefit from?  The three roots are said to be trust, kindness, and social connection.  I am reminded of the proverb that the one who wants friends must show themselves to be friendly.  Thus, we can contribute to peace in our own community by giving trust, showing kindness, and being the type that reaches out first to establish social connections.

Mexico has scored highly, coming into the top 10, and Costa Rica in 6th.  In Mexico, as in many parts of Europe the number of people in the house is a catalyst for happiness.  No need to rush out and start a family since 4 people is enough!  I’ll finish with another fascinating factor – shared meals.

That’ll give us a busy week!  Here’s the to-do:

Monday – show someone you trust them

Tuesday – do a random act of kindness

Wednesday – invite folks round for supper, lunch, tea…

Thursday – reach out to someone new to make a connection

Friday – sauna and/or get out into Nature (clothes optional!)

Panic not!  I’m not going to do all those.  But I will hold trust, kindness, and social connection in my heart this week – and have a meal with family all around the same table.

Wishing you a week in which you spread happiness and receive it abundantly in return.


A Moodscope member

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