Harbour lights.

9 Mar 2015

Many safe harbours around the World actually have challenges with accessing them. The channel into the harbour may be 'safe' only during certain tides, and the path is rarely straight. That sounds like many of my experiences of life's 'potential'! I know there's good stuff to reach – my safe harbour – but gaining safe access on the journey is a question of wise navigation around the many hazards.

When pursuing the path to my goal (my safe harbour) it's good to know about the Harbour Lights. Navigators have set up 'signs' to guide sailors along the best path. Sometimes this is a question of lining up three guide-lights to get the right bearing.

I have found this very helpful as a metaphor in life. For example, any matter, especially one affecting relationships, should be taken seriously only if three events seem to say the same thing. Otherwise it is too easy to misjudge people based on a single misunderstanding. If you think someone is being rude to you, three experiences of them being rude is a good foundation for this conclusion – one, isn't.

Achieving one's dreams also benefits from the support of threes. When you set yourself on a path to something, you need guidance that you're on the right track. Your most present guides are your five senses. Take the goal of deciding whether something is dangerous? Does it look dangerous? (Like a Tiger and its claws!) Does it sound dangerous? (Like a Tiger and its roar!!) Does it feel dangerous? (Like a Tiger getting too close!!!) If you get, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" it probably is dangerous!

In a more positive way, you can set yourself up for success by asking yourself, "What will I see, hear, feel, smell or taste that will give me evidence I am on the right path?" The more sensory sign-posts you can think of, the more your journey will make sense!

Psychologically, just thinking about the signs that will suggest you are getting what you desire 'sets' your brain to take more notice of them. You get more of what you pay attention to. Want a new car from a certain brand? I can guarantee you'll notice them 'everywhere'!

If your goal is to avoid a downer - the same principles apply. You'll have signs that you are beginning to progress down that path. Learning to define the signs and then read the signs can help you make better choices at the next junction.


A Moodscope member.

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