Have you ever tried running in wellies?

7 Jan 2018

No... well, I have and it's not easy. So wellies may be great for keeping your feet dry but I can assure you they are not designed for running in. So picture this, I have let the dog off the lead, but suddenly realise that she has run ahead to chase the geese, and there am I, trying to move as fast as I can, in a pair of wellies, skippering and sliding, across the slopes of our local park. There is nothing gracious about this middle-aged, slightly overweight lady waddling her way through the muddy banks.

What can I do?

In life, when we are depressed, we often feel slowed down, not able to keep up, operating on a different level to the rest of the world. At times like these it's not easy to pull the wellies off. (Even in real life, getting the wellies off at times poses a challenge).

So what can we do? Wellies are not designed for running. Get your trainers on if that's your thing. When in wellies all we can do is slow down... and why run at life?

So the reality is the dog is going to chase the geese in any case, there is no way I can outrun her. And sometimes accept you are running in mud. It's a slow, ungaily walk which doesn't get easier walking. And maybe someone's trying to tell you something... now's not the time for running. It's time to slow down, allow yourself some breathing space, allow the mind to heal... there will be other days for sprinting.


A Moodscope member.

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