Have you missed an opportunity?

10 May 2024

Have you ever had a missed opportunity in life, at the time you didn’t realise what a wonderful opportunity it was.

A friend was proposed to years ago when she was planning to go overseas. She followed her travel dreams but always wished she had married that man as every relationship she had after him ended.

I had piano lessons and never practiced, now I wish I had as I would like that skill.

Every day and every year we make many, many decisions so in a lifetime, after making thousands of decisions, the chances of feeling we have missed something is great.

One of the side effects of missing out on opportunities is that we hesitate when deciding on future opportunities. We do not trust our instincts or our skills and so are stuck in indecision.

I would like to hear of Moodscopers missed opportunities in life and how they dealt with it.

I wonder if anyone thinks a lot about a missed opportunity or if anyone learnt from that and took advantage of another chance.

Here is your chance to share a missed opportunity and let us know what you learnt.


A Moodscoper member

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