
22 Aug 2018

This is about physical and mental healing.

I have been to a chiropractor this week. I know that this is a luxury for many but months of pain in my foot and then a crick in the neck led me knocking on his door.

Now I have learnt so much about myself in three days. I see myself as weedy and not good at dealing with pain, or life in general...

It was eye opening that my playing down my pain in a typical British way was actually masking a significant problem with my lower back.

First lesson was to listen to my body.

Second lesson was that, just because people haven't believed me in the past, does not negate my feelings. My gut feelings and physical feelings are important.

After one session I was in agony. "I can tell you can take a lot", the chiropractor said! That was a revelation to me!

Then, yes, I think about my life which has had considerable challenges which I have learnt to surmount. The deaths, the failed marriage, the redundancies. I have learnt we all face ups and downs but you have to find a way to get through. To find an inner resilience... whether that is to seek solace in a pet, delight in a garden, retrain the brain to think positively. All these things are in my arsenal for when life throws its worst at me.

The final lesson is about the connection between mind and body. By the following evening I was crying with pain, sobbing down the phone to my boyfriend. So when I went back for the next session imagine my surprise when the body contortionist/doctor said, "Don't be surprised if you are very emotional. I am working with the part of the nervous system which affects the emotions".

I genuinely did not expect to be treated mind, body and soul.

So you may know all this already, but I would ask you:

1. Have you created your own toolkit for when life goes awry?

2. Do you listen to your body and ensure that it feeds your mind?

3. Do you underestimate your own strength?

Food for thought, so I'm off to make some toast and walk the dog!!


A Moodscope member.

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