Healthy diet versus Pleasure

Self care
3 Jun 2023

Following a blog that Val wrote a little while ago, concerning diet, I have been wondering how Val manages meals with Spock. 

I feel I would be better on a gluten free diet. This is connected to gluten bloat, but also the good old gut/brain connection. If I eat too much starchy food I feel that I become sluggish. However, another part of my problem is that my OH often does the shopping. This is great for me in one way - the ol’ brain cells are overwhelmed by supermarkets - but many of our meals consist of (gf for me) Pie Ministers (tasty) with veg, no potatoes, or a quiche for lunch and suchlike. We do cook from scratch as well, depending on other commitments. If I catered entirely for myself I could avoid quite a lot of the ‘bad’ stuff, but as a couple I have compromised for the sake of an easy life and enjoyable meals together.

I am also trying to lower my cholesterol - this means that my OH might have a weekend breakfast with delicious bread, spread thickly with good butter, when I mostly have gf bread with benecol spread. He also likes to drink, not overly much, but certainly wine with meals and a digestif after eating. All these things are calorific, but I have a roll of fat around my midriff and am conscious that my mother died from a stroke, something that I want to avoid.

My OH’s father died of a heart attack, but it doesn’t seem to make him willing to forgo his pleasures. Do I indulge along with him and ignore the dangers or have less enjoyable meals sans butter, wine, whatever…

I’m at an ideal weight, but with a layer of fat around my organs and don’t know how to shift it.

Just needed to get all that off my chest (and midriff 😜)

Bon appetit everyone.  

Hugs to all who like a 🤗 hug.

Another Sally xx

A Moodscope member

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