Heart Full

26 Apr 2024

On 17 February I wrote about preparing mentally for a major event (Operation Mental Health). Subsequently my Cardiac Surgeon has confirmed further surgery is the best option for my long term heart health. Since then my heart and mind have been debating the pros and cons and my minds initial opinion has prevailed. A replacement Mitral valve will be fitted. 

During the last few weeks I have been on a mission to get this arranged as soon as possible. Given the current state of the Health Service this has required all the determination and persuasion that I can muster. By the time you read this post I will be only three days away from surgery.    

I am hoping the surgery will improve my physical health by reducing breathlessness and fatigue. Also I  believe my mental health will consequentially improve. As we have discussed previously there are close connections between physical health and mental health and it has been difficult managing both simultaneously.

I am not expecting any immediate results and there may well be a lengthy rehabilitation program. So I shall need more resilience and patience.

I apologise if you have found this writing all doom and gloom but I would now like to adjust the balance. I have reviewed a lot of ‘heart’ jokes and have selected some of my favourites. I hope they will fill your day with hearty laughs:

1 The nurse made my heart skip a beat. It was fine after she plugged the life support back in!

2 You should follow your heart, but keeping mind to take your brain too.

3 You know the heart’s the hungriest organ. It has the heartiest appetite.

4 A surgeon was about to perform heart surgery when he received notice that the replacement was delivered to his house. Home is where the heart is!

5 I heard about a football player who had a heart attack and collapsed on top of his opponent. He was dead on a rival!

6 My Mum says that the stomach is the best way to a man’s heart. That’s why she is a bad surgeon.  

7 My first girlfriend was a tennis player but she broke my heart. It was like love meant nothing to her.  

I feel as if I am about to enter the next stage of my life a far as my heart and mind are concerned. The journey so far:

- Broken heart when my first marriage finished.

 - First heart surgery 15 years ago.

- Mental meltdown 4 years ago.

- Second heart surgery very soon.

I hope my fortnightly posts will not be disrupted too much. I am packing a notebook and pen to collect info for a future Post!

Finally whatever you do, do not have the weakest heart!


A Moodscope member 

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