Hello there

24 Dec 2018

So, here you are safe.

Here, there are plenty of people who understand completely how you are feeling and many will be dreading tomorrow, for different reasons.

You are not alone.

Relax for a few minutes.

Check your body over for any areas of tension – jaw, shoulders, hands...

You have chosen to check in with us and we are here.

Smile, if you can, or at least relax your facial muscles. I am smiling back.

Breathe deeply – inhale for a count of four, then exhale for a count of four. Repeat as often as you can throughout the day and feel your tension ebb away.

Choose a simple, comforting phrase and repeat it to yourself

"I am safe"

"This will pass"

Maybe just a word






I have candles burning – and one is for all you lovely Moodscopers – everytime I look at it I wish for peace of mind and heart for all of you.

Here's to peace: Peace in our hearts, in our homes, in our world.


A Moodscope member.

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