Hello you.

2 Nov 2017

Sometimes we are told to take the advice we would give to another. In my experience this involves a conversation inside my head along the lines of:

Me: You're not taking any time for yourself

Other me: I know, but there's no time

Me: Try

Other me: Yep

It ends there. And I repeat that conversation weekly. Sometimes daily.

Today I fell over. I'd been coasting along and today I felt someone had sneaked into my wardrobe and sewn weights into all my clothing. I took the very, VERY unusual decision (and I rarely write in capitals) to have half a sick day and go to bed. I crawled under the top quilt and instantly fell asleep for two and a half hours.

Upon waking, my stomach growled, my mouth felt like it had been in a desert, my head was hot and thumping. I'm good at knowing how to fix this part well and I sorted it. After I was nourished I began working out ways to catch up. If I worked super-fast, If I cut a corner here and there, if I thumped the living daylights out of my keyboard in a paperwork catch up... then I decided enough was enough. And I talked to myself out loud. Yes, OUT LOUD.

Told myself what I was hating about the situation and then told myself some truths, out loud. The answers that I would give to my children or anyone else who was berating themselves. And do you know, it worked. I needed to be told and there was nobody else to do the telling. Maybe if you are having a day you might try it. Out loud. Properly. Tell yourself the problem and then answer yourself as if you were someone else.

It's worth a try!

Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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