Help millions manage the daily grind of anxiety and depression

6 Jun 2018

Will you donate to our crowdfunding campaign that launches today?

We need to raise £50,000 to make Moodscope truly mobile by producing two Apps and to make the content of the 2000 blog posts and more than 20,000 comments searchable so that it is easy to access shared experiences and empathy on whatever, whenever. We also need to market the new service to the millions that could benefit from it.

If you can help by donating, we'd really appreciate it. But, if you can't which we know in many instances goes hand in hand with the problems caused by mental health issues, please can you help by spreading the word and telling everyone you know about the campaign.

Take a look at these facts when you're thinking about whether to donate:

• 80% of sufferers of depression are not receiving treatment due to barriers of health resources, a lack of healthcare workers and social stigma.

• Close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds.

Just two very good reasons for you to help us with this campaign.

We've done as much as we can on our own and are proud to have helped tens of thousands of people using the Moodscope service.

It's going to take a lot to raise the funds we need, so all help, however big or small is very much appreciated.

To make a donation and view our crowdfunding appeal video, follow this link: (for Paypal payments please use this link:

Thank you so much on behalf of the many who will benefit from your generosity.


Caroline and Adrian

The Moodscope team.

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

Moodscope members seek to support each other by sharing their experiences through this blog. Posts and comments on the blog are the personal views of Moodscope members, they are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice.

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