Help! When did this happen?

10 Feb 2014

I signed-up to Moodscope after a doctor friend of mine declared one day she felt I was depressed. It perhaps takes a friend of more than 20 years to get through to you, but it still came as a surprise. I shared this conversation with my wife, whereupon she stated that she too knew I was depressed. Help! When did this happen?

I have always been one to over analyse something and can derive major anxiety from simple tasks like buying a replacement mobile phone. What if there's a better model (yet to be discovered), or there's one negative review out of a pool of otherwise positive comments. I can turn this self-doubt into a major issue and blame myself for not being able to take a decision. However, anxiety can easily build and overcome you; often you don't see it coming.

Through the Moodscope cards I discovered some of the triggers for my mood changes and set about finding ways to avoid them. A colleague who is a passive bully is now avoided; I've deleted old emails from him using the mindful tip of never reopening them. I also had to manage somebody who was in a much deeper depression than myself; I have found a colleague who has agreed to take this person off me.

I never realised how hard it was to manage somebody who themselves was depressed, it takes energy that you cannot afford to spare. Without this management burden, I'm able to see things in perspective and can start building a better year. We all need friends to share worries, but better still is somebody who can shoulder one for you.


A Moodscope user.

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