Aside from the gratuitous joy of being transported back to 1987 with hair to live for and 'The Ultimate Voice of Rock' - this song has a valuable message. (But not for driving lessons, OK? Please don't drive like that... ever.)
Here I go again, on my own...
Going down the only road I've ever known
...the lonely street of dreams
The Price of Dreams
Many of my spiritual friends get very excited about Dreams... and Unicorns ...and Fairies. Personally, I believe dreams can be very expensive and even painful. I'm sure Dr Martin Luther King Jnr would agree. Gandhi did. David Coverdale agrees too.
Sometimes, you're the only person who keeps believing in your dreams - and then those dreams become a lonely street. But if you don't keep believing in them, who will?
No one can see the World like you can. You are unique. So are your dreams. And that can be both lonely and hard. So, if, like me, you've got to one of those 'Here I Go Again' moments, there is much comfort to be found in this famous poem that follows.
Portia Nelson, "Autobiography in 5 Short Chapters" (copyright, Portia Nelson)
Chapter I
I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost... I am hopeless.
It isn't my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.
Chapter II
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don't see it.
I fall in again.
I can't believe I am in this same place.
But it isn't my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.
Chapter III
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it there.
I still fall in... it's a habit... but,
my eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.
Chapter IV
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.
Chapter V
I walk down another street.
...Awesome Insight, eh?...
So here I go again - Chapter III - same brick wall (or hole in the sidewalk) I've hit (or fallen into) before. I know I'll survive, and I know I'll get out of it, but it is rather boring, isn't it? When will I learn?
Well, it's my fault - and that's liberating.
This has been a lonely street of dreams, and I'd like to walk around this hole next time, but more than that, maybe, just maybe it's time for you and me to walk down another street. What do you think?
And if that's the case, maybe, just maybe it's time for a new dream and a bit of company on the way this time.
A Moodscope member.
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