Hide and seek 

22 May 2021

What are you looking for? There’s a question. 


I suppose a popular answer could be happiness, maybe security, maybe a holiday! It’s well worth using the question on a daily basis, hourly basis even, as well as over a longer term. For we often get lost in trying to live somebody else’s life, somebody else’s ideal, somebody else’s creation or painting of how our life should look and be lived. 


If we look for trouble, we’ll manage to find it. If we look for simplicity, we can find that too. “Where focus goes, energy flows” and it’s so true. My mum can find the fear and the negative in any situation (any!) and her energy flows accordingly. Only it flows so much it’s drowning her and I’ve had to life raft my way out of that. 


When we sharpen our focus, and needle point the aim, then our mood cannot fail to be lifted as we achieve even half inch steps towards it. 


My needle points have changed. 

From “sleep earlier” to “read one chapter each night”. 

From “feel better about myself” to “submit my book to the agent”. 

From “make clearer lists” to “face the thing I don’t want to do and do it”. 


So, what are you looking for dear reader? Maybe by seeing it in black and white we can all put down some roots. 


Love from

The room above the garage 

A Moodscope member.

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