Highest and lowest

26 Nov 2022

Hello Moodscopers, I would be interested in asking, what has been your lowest and highest score?

My lowest was 7% when I was in a really bad place. My highest recorded score, which was this week, was 87%, an amazing feeling. 

I do not always take the test, but would highly recommend anyone struggling to take the test daily and if it is very low please ask for help either on here or from a professional.

My highest has been helped massively by a problem neighbour moving out. ( see Sat 28th reply.)

Other things that have helped me are:

Walking in pleasant surroundings ie. woodlands and parks. Anywhere in a natural environment especially when the sun is on view. 

Wim Hoff cold showers (not nice at first!) 

Learning a musical instrument (ukulele). I am not the best, but able to achieve some tunes. 

I have been taking magnesium and I am convinced this has helped especially with poor sleep. 

Breathing exercises.

Drinking lots of water and staying hydrated something we forget when stressed. 

Being kind to yourself is very important. 

If someone told me when I registered a low of 7% that I would one day achieve 87% I wouldn’t have believed it possible. 

Moodscope definitely helps. Thank you to all regulars that take time to write blogs and also Caroline and  all the Moodscope team. 


A Moodscope member

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