How can I be true to myself?

29 Aug 2024

I once wrote a blog many years ago called ‘Be Yourself’. It was about how people are often  telling us to be ourselves but then they start showing us how we should change.

Sometimes, I suppose, we might realise that we need to change, and sometimes, being true to ourselves might mean that we will upset friends and family, workers, or bosses etc.

People often talk about heroes as having strong characters and/or forceful personalities so they can achieve their goals. A person’s character is not only seen in incredible feats of bravery or selflessness. The character of a person may be seen in how one lives their everyday life. It can be an attitude mental or ethical in which a person feels that they are being their real self. Some people believe that when we have character those decisions and choices are founded in the desire to support our truest commitment.

I would like to know what Moodscoopers think of the question and how they would answer it.

Is character necessary be your true self? Have there been times when you felt you were not your true self? How did you feel? When do you feel you are being your true self?


A Moodscope member

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