How can I think positively?

16 Sep 2022

I’m not the most positive of people around but I’m certainly not the most pessimistic either. What I continually struggle with is negativity around me and how that affects my own positivity. I have heard that you should hang around people that lift you up and are positive so your interactions make your outlook about life better, but…

What if that negativity or just plain life sucks attitude is always around you? What if your environment can’t easily be changed?

I seem to absorb energy (positive or negative) pretty easily so if someone is down then I can sit and think about it too much and try and understand and even take on that feeling even though it’s not mine, but why do I take it on? What’s the best way to deal with negativity when you are tying your own best to be a little more positive about life in general?

I guess what I’m trying to say is, do I actually have a chance to be more content if the people around me are not? And these are close people, not people you can just ignore or get away from.

Or maybe I attract negativity… hmmm I wonder!


A Moodscope member.

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