How do you disagree respectfully?

Personal development
7 Jul 2023

How do we manage any disrespectful feedback from someone?

I have noticed especially in social media but also in real life, that people find it hard to disagree with respect.

We have seen politicians being personal and rude to each other just because they have different opinions.

I don't think it is possible for us all to agree with each other, but it is necessary for us to discuss our differences without attacking the personality of the other person.

It can seem easy to be disrespectful back, but that only increases the tension and does little for the discussion. I think we may need to listen to ourselves speak. How often has someone stated, "It's not what they said but the way it was said".

Or maybe the tone itself is showing disrespect.

Whatever the reason we can try to speak calmly allowing the other person time to respond to respond.

It's so easy to want to jump in before the other person has finished making their point. We have all seen interviews on television, especially with politicians, where both interviewer and interviewee jump in and don’t let the other finish a sentence.

How do you disagree with people showing politeness and respect?

I encourage you to share your ideas, even if you find it hard to disagree respectfully. I feel for our mental health it is important for us to be aware of how our comments may affect others.


A Moodscope member

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