How do you make decisions?

6 Dec 2024

Try this quick quiz:

When faced with a decision that takes you out of your comfort zone do you:

A) Just stay in your comfort zone and refuse to budge.

B) Say yes quickly as you like challenges.

C) Say yes quickly but change your mind slowly.

D) Regret saying yes quickly, but feel bad to let others down.

There are lots of other options and permutations.

I am often a B saying yes. I later feel overwhelmed that I have committed  too much but can’t get out of it as I don’t like letting people down. 

Making decisions too quickly can make for simple or even superficial choices.

However if you take ages to decide you may find you find others get the opportunity you wanted. I wonder how does one achieve a balance? 

I wonder what Moodscopers styles are. Are you too quick or too slow but do you have a middle ground? Do you have another decision making style that works for you?

Does your mood affect how you make decisions? When depressed I find decisions very hard to make but when high I used to make decisions too quickly.


A Moodscope member 

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