How does your garden heal you?

12 Sep 2024

I have been watching a program called Love Your Garden where Alan Titchmarsh and is crew help a family that is struggling to transform their garden.

Not all can have a garden worth thousands of pounds tailored to our needs but it made me think how a garden whether our own, a friends, a family members or a public garden can help us to heal.

I use the outdoors to walk in, but in a garden I can just sit and smell, touch and observe.

I wonder what a garden means to you. I know many find gardening therapeutic. I like the idea of fresh herbs but I can make artificial plants wilt!! So the act of gardening is not healing. I like picking herbs and making tea. I like sitting on my veranda and watching the garden, the birds, the butterflies and the lizards.

I know not everyone has access to a garden of their own but I know those in the UK have allotments which I think is a great idea.

Let me know what a garden means to you and in what way it heals you or re-energises you.


A Moodscope member

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