How @findyourwe Helped Me

18 Mar 2017

A couple of positive things took place as I felt my latest major period of depression lifting. One of them was that I went on a Mental Health Mates walk @findyourwe, and I did, find my we! I was immeasurably reassured by the group of people who I walked with 'without judgement'. We were an eclectic group, all ages, male and female, from varying walks of life. I really wasn't alone. We could have been any group of people on any bus, in any cafe, or in the Co-op, but we were all finding our way through mental illness.

I listened to someone who voiced so succinctly the fear when you're well of becoming unwell again. I talked to someone about my struggles with medication and the lack of control I felt when I was on them. We talked about striving to battle through and keep yourself well; the importance of routine and support. 'Find your We' is such a simple term but it rings so true.

It helped listening to other people who have the same worries, concerns or issues and knowing that for the couple of hours that we engaged in conversation I wasn't responsible for making them better or them for helping me, we were simply just sharing and as the posters say 'walking and talking without fear of judgement'. I didn't have to try to explain what being 'mental' felt like.

I say that going on the walk helped me as I was coming out of a bad period, it just seemed to lift me a little bit more. I'm not as sociable as I once was and a walk and talk is a good way to have the face to face pressure of meetups removed. It provides other people and distractions if you want to keep your head down and interact less. I'm not as adventurous as I once was either, so turning up to a venue that was new to me ( I left an hour for a 20 minute drive, just in case!) to meet a group of strangers actually gave me a bit of a buzz when I'd achieved it!

Mental Health Mates walks are a brilliant initiative, thank you to everyone who has had the courage to set one up in their local area!


A Moodscope member.

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