How not to be perfect?

22 Jun 2019

I am fairly certain that I do not have full blown depression - the kind of depression that is debilitating and life changing. Not the kind of depression that makes other people despair of one, but what I call 'low level despair'.

I have a good life with loving family and friends and enough of everything, yet on some days I am unhappy and despondent. I can rarely put my finger on what triggers it or why it happens. I know it doesn¹t happen when things are going well and by that I mean everything

going according to plan and yet sometimes things are simply not good enough. The house has too much clutter, there is too much paperwork to deal with, an arrangement is onerous. I can be really angry when this happens.

Writing this has made me realise the cause. I want to be perfect. I want to live a perfect life. Now, where's the remedy for living with imperfection?


A Moodscope member.

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