How not to write a blog.

19 Nov 2017

Do not and I repeat not do any of the following if you want to write a blog.

Firstly, have over 50 different ideas.

Secondly do not think that any of the ideas you have are worthy of the blog.

Go and search for the scraps of paper you have scribbled on all your ideas and thoughts.

Start getting annoyed because you can't find those precious pieces of papers.

As you are about to ask (maybe shout at) you partner because you can't find it, you remember you put it in a plastic bag in your t-shirt drawer.

After finding out you can't read any of your ideas and the ones you can are silly, you decide to have a large slice of chocolate cake but then you remember you don't bake or buy cake.

You think cooking will give you inspiration

You start to make a cake but give up as you don't have all ingredients.

You eat packets of salted cashews hoping this would be inspiring.

It has been an hour and you have not written one word.

You notice your clothes hanging up on a rack as you have no wardrobe, look messy so you pull all the clothes onto your bed. You start sorting into 2 piles, keep or throw out. Soon you get tired so you go back to writing.

You decide you have no more blogs in you and maybe you should try to learn to draw.

You decided you need space so you put it aside for a week or two.

You hope your mind will think of a theme in that time.

In fact, hope is what stops you giving away your shelves of how to write books that mock you every day.

Every idea is dismissed as it is silly, been done before or you have written about it before.

You used to boast about never running out of ideas and that you can write about anything.

So, you decide to go to bed but the kitchen is a mess with ingredients all on the bench, all your clothes are on your bed.

So, you throw all your clothes on the floor and lie awake all night worrying you will never have a good idea again!

That is how not to write a blog!

Do you have instructions of how not to do something from personal experience? Or what strategies do you use when you find you can't do something you normally do?

It can be writing, cooking, exercise, sewing, woodwork, remembering things, planning, really anything you once did well but now struggle with.


A Moodscope member.

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