
17 Jul 2015

This world can seem full of horrible people. Yet everywhere, everyday there are many acts of kindness if you look. Sometimes you don't even have to leave home. From the smallest of gestures, to the much larger. Kindness often features in the Moodscope daily thought and is defined as the 'quality of being friendly, generous and considerate'.

I recently asked my 3 year old some questions from a survey. "What does Mummy say to you most?" he replied "Be nice". In essence, I mean 'Be kind'. Treat others as you'd like to be. I felt a little sad though. Should he have replied "Love you" or "Great, you tried really hard". I do say those things.

To "How do you know Mummy loves you?" he replied "She gives me lots of hugs". I felt all warm inside. Especially being from a Christmas/Birthday hugs only family! I also asked "What does Mummy like most about Daddy?" to which he replied "Bossing him". Perhaps I could/should be kinder. Although to "What does Daddy like most about Mummy?" he also said "Bossing him". Cue confusion and let's just eat breakfast!

During my recovery people showed (and are still showing) great kindness. My husband brought me a satisfyingly strong cuppa in bed (most!) mornings. A stranger offered my sons and I a lift when my car broke down. The man reassured me by saying "I'm a grandad and not weird you know". I wanted to reply "I'm a mum and a bit psychotic you know". When my baby suddenly screamed for food at the checkout another customer helped pack my bags. I cried once I got to the car. But I felt warm inside then as well.

What or who will restore your faith in humankind today? Look out for those small or big gestures of kindness. They're there. Maybe even animating from within.


A Moodscope member.

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